Sermons tagged with ‘shepherd’

2 Items

Sunday, December 3, 2017


In the absence of video for this week’s message, here is a link to the manuscript of the sermon.  Please remember that the manuscript does not fully represent the sermon as preached in worship. Pastor Don’s Blog

Sunday, May 7, 2017

“I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” In our context, it may be difficult to fully appreciate the metaphor that Jesus uses here. Most of us were not raised on a ranch and we certainly have no understanding of the nomadic lifestyle lived by herders in the ancient Middle East. Tending the sheep meant living with them 24/7 throughout the grazing season. The herders were responsible for moving the herd from place to place as they followed the grazing food supply. They were responsible for the safety of the herd at night, protecting them from predators and thieves. It was a hard life, but it was vital to the community.

Jesus uses their cultural understanding of this process to point out how the religious leaders should be caring for their followers and how they often failed. He points to himself as the true Good Shepherd who offers safety and nourishment for his followers. It is an intimate relationship that provides the courage needed for young, new followers to keep going in the face of dangers and obstacles threatening to keep them from the life Jesus calls them to. We need to find a way to embrace this metaphor in our own lives. We need to draw strength from the Shepherd so that our fears and doubts do not overcome us.